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walden naturae art gallery (Pueblo Garzón, Uruguay) presents the exhibition Splendor of Summer by the artist Cristina Schiavi.

Art Travelers, Gallerys, International, News, Uruguay

Can any body appear, as Judith Butler asks herself? Can the norms of permitted corporality be cut through?

During the early days of pandemic reclusion, the absence of other bodies obliges me to have some register of my own. Following lines to their vanishing point and resisting thought no longer work.

The body as an instrument of pain, but also of pleasure.
Possibly empowered by the struggles of feminism and their questioning of gender, sexuality and race, the impulse arises to give visibility to soft, rounded, spongy bodies that expand in the landscape. A figure of resistance that allows itself the agency of desire. A flabby, territorialized body. My body.

The exhibition can be visited between the following dates: February 9 / March 5 @ waldennaturae