by rgbadmin | Oct 9, 2023 | Gallerys, News, Spain
The first selection of works will establish a conversation within the field of op art between Bridget Riley (UK, 1931) and the scientist and artist Adrien Lucca (France, 1983). The practice of this latter seeks to challenge the notion that vision is synonymous with...
by rgbadmin | Feb 13, 2022 | Art Travelers, Gallerys, International, News, Uruguay
Can any body appear, as Judith Butler asks herself? Can the norms of permitted corporality be cut through? During the early days of pandemic reclusion, the absence of other bodies obliges me to have some register of my own. Following lines to their vanishing point and...
by rgbadmin | Ene 14, 2022 | Gallerys, International, News
NASA has agreed with a startup to build a vault that will act as an extraterrestrial exhibition hall. If last year it seemed surreal to you to see Jeff Bezos traveling into space in something like a space penis and his ridiculous competition with Richard Branson to...
by rgbadmin | Dic 28, 2021 | Art Travelers, Gallerys, News, Uruguay
The new art gallery seeks to revalue the area with cultural initiatives and commitment to its natural environment. The gallery has an annual program that combines historical and contemporary exhibitions in all disciplines and media, in its own 500-square-meter space....